Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Music Research Ideas

Music Research

Song Option 1
One song that instantly caught our attention once we had agreed on the idea to create a crime drama is "Blinded by the Light" by The Streets. We feel as this is a very appropriate song to feature as a backing track because the song itself is based on drugs which is already relevant to the narrative in our film opening, and for this reason it would be a suitable pairing.

A scene from the music video from "blinded by the Light"

Song Option 2
Our second song option is "Playing With Fire" by Plan B. This song is very similar to the first option in terms of the message that both songs send out to the audience. In this song especially, the message focuses on the dangers of embarking on life of crime and gang culture. In our film opening it shows the main protagonist ready to trap himself into a world of drug-use and crime because he has nothing else to offer to the world.

Final Decision

Our final decision was purely based on the preference of the songs and this meant that we will use "Blinded by the Light". This song has a good variation between the chorus, sung by a young girl and the separate verses sung by a male rapper. The chorus has a sense of vulnerability because of the soft voice combining with the ambiguous lyrics. This is exactly the effect we desire because we want to show the naivety of the protagonist who is far too inexperienced to perform the smuggling process.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Props Research and List


List of Props

Cigarette - This is used to show in the first scene that the drug dealer is

The Bike - This is used for the character to travel to get the drugs from the dealer and to travel to the station. It shows he is travelling via a bike showing he is moving around many places for this to happen.

'The drugs' used - This is the main key prop which the film evolves around in the opening showing he is smuggling drugs so therefore had to use ' fake drugs' to represent this.

Alcoholic drinks - This prop is used when he is around the table to show he is rough and this is all he has in his life as this is what is taking him through what is happening.

The Candle - This prop is used to create light around where he is sorting out the drugs with the background light off to provide a small amount of light to show the intensity of what he is doing.

credit card - This is used to line up the drugs which he is packaging ready for him to smuggle.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Story Board Evaluation

Storyboard Evaluation

What went well? 
The story board went well as we included a detailed set of images of the scene and also added a voice over to it. By doing this it meant that we gave more information as to what is going to happen in the film opening and how each scene will plan out. We attempted to include some of the shot types to make sure they are varied although in many we were unsure as are planing to decide at a later date. it also gave us a good indication towards how long each scene will be to make sure we can make it with in the guidelines of two minutes. 

What could be improved/ work you change next time?
The images of the story board were draw in pencil. This was to make sure if we made any mistakes we were able to quickly change them and stay on task. Although when we videoed these images they were not viably seen, to improve this we should have drawn them in a darker colour so the audience do not struggle to see them. Plus as mentioned earlier, not every scene is given a shot description. This makes the plan seem a little unorganized with is not the idea we want to give off. To improve this a title could be added on just to give the audience more information of whether it will be a match on action, long shot, close up or pan etc. 

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Shot List and Schedule

Shot List

Monday 28/11/16:
-          Packing of the drugs scenes
-          Antonio riding along on his bike
-          The ally scene (may not have time)
Tuesday 29/11/16:
-          The bathroom shot
-          Train time laps
-          Shots of the high street
Wednesday 30/11/16:
-          The airport shots( train station)
·        Him checking in
·        The police officers looking cautious
·        Antonio getting caught

Friday, 25 November 2016



Script for opening sequence

*Shots of scenery/setting*
*Character 1 walks into the dark alleyway and meets Character 2*
Character 2: "Are you ready?"
Character 1: "Do I have a choice?"
Character 2: "Here's everything you need" *Hands over the goods*
"What time is the flight?"
Character 1: "Half One"
*Character 1 walks away*
Character 2: "And just remember, if you get caught... you don't know who I am"

*Character 1 is at the station about to depart*
*Calls Character 2 on his phone*
Character 1: "Hello? ... I don't think I can do this..."
*Phone Call is ended*
*A security officer enters (character 3)*
Character 3: "Oi! Get back here!"
*Character 1 runs out of the scene and the camera slowly dissolves*

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Final Titles for Traffic Lights

Final Titles

In association with

Film Four, Focus Features


Alesandro Campoccio


Antonio Ferelli

Title of film

Traffic Light

Screen played by

John Burridge

Produced by

Brian Earp

Director of photography

Bart German

Production designer

Will Davis


Aimee Chaser

Visual effects producer

Rachel Walters

Associate producer

Sian Field

Casting by

Kathrine Brookes

In our first draft we had some feedback about there being too many titles and that they were all bunched up in the middle area of our film opening. To improve this for our final opening we spread out the titles and made sure that were more subtle by being smaller and fading in and out gently.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Titles for 'Traffic Light'


The production company: Pelican productions

Directed by:
Filipa Richenda Englefield

Screenplay by:
John Burridge

Produced by:
Brian Earp

Executive producer:
Clive Eastwood

Co- producer:
Luciano Floridi

Director or photography:
Bart Gremmen

Production designer:
Will Davies

Aimee Chaser

Costume designer:
Katherine Ross

Visual effect producer:
Rachel Walters

Music by:
Antonio Campoccio

Associate producers:
Sian Field

Casting by:
Katrina Brookes

Antonio Firelli
Alessandro  Campoccio

Monday, 21 November 2016

Titles Research

Titles Research

For this task ale researched the type of fonts we could use in our film opening...

After deliberation, the top font would be the one we used as our titles.

Thursday, 17 November 2016



Traffic Lights Film Opening - Audience

Traffic Lights is a drug related drama and therefore the opening sequence is highly intense containing a number of enigma codes for the audience. This suggests that our film can be categorised as an independent film rather than mainstream. Consequently, our target audience is adults who can understand the plot of the film. Initially, we thought our film could attract teenagers above the age of 15, however the number of enigma codes included could make it hard for some younger viewers to understand so they would not be intrigued by the opening sequence. Contrastingly, teenagers at the age of 17 and 18 will have a better understanding of the storyline as they are more mature and more exposed to the world of drug-using so it contains some level of interest as this type of mission happens everywhere and all the time.

The opening we will create is slow-paced in contrast to other mainstream film openings. It is important for the audience to feel suspense in order to experience the sheer danger of the smuggling process first-hand. Our secondary audience is likely to be friends or siblings of the adults who we aim our film at. Taking this into account, the age range of both primary and secondary audiences will be 18 < 50 year olds.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Titles Research

Title Analysis

The film I analysed the titles of was 21 Jump Street. I used screenshots to show the title and explained how long each title was and where in they were used in what order.

The first title was the Directors. this lasted 3 seconds between 7-10 seconds.

The second title was Screenplay. This lasted 3 seconds between 10-13 seconds.

The third was the Story title. This lasted 3 seconds between 13-16 seconds.

The next was the title showing it was based on a TV series. This lasted 3 seconds between 21-24 seconds

The next title was Producer. This lasted 3 seconds between 25-28 seconds.

The next title was Executive Producer. This lasted 4 seconds between 28-32 seconds.

The next title was Director of Photography. This lasted 3 seconds between 33-36 seconds.

The next title was Production Designer. This lasted 3 seconds between 39-42 seconds.

The next title was Editor. This lasted 3 seconds between 42-45 seconds.

The next 9 titles were actors and actresses starring in the film. I only used 6 screenshots of the 9 titles of the actors and actresses. They started with the main actors who were the main characters. These titles lasted between 46-90 seconds.

The next title was Casting Directors. This lasted 3 seconds between 83-86 seconds.

The next title was Music. This lasted 3 seconds between 86-89 seconds.

The final title was costume Designer. This lasted 3 seconds between 91-94 seconds.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Codes & Conventions

Codes & Conventions


Ways they are smuggled:  "Banks banks on his Johnson; gets busted"

Antoine Banks was so desperate to smuggle drugs across the boarder that he decided to store them in his fore skin. 

"Don't eat the brown lollipops - They're Heroin"

Instead of chocolate at the centre of these treats, DEA agents found mid-grade heroin when they cracked the candy shells. Among the thirty-one pops some were three quarters of an inch in diameter and some were a full inch. A total of 520.1 grams of heroin was found within the pops and was certified to be roughly sixty-four percent pure heroin. 

  "Lemmie have my coke or i'm gonna wrap it full of lead"
It was assumed that the packages were wrapped in lead to avoid detection by the x-ray machines.

DEA was quick to supply a much better idea for next time stating that “the reasoning behind this concealment technique was unclear” as the bricks were not actually encased or sealed in lead, just wrapped up in sheets of it.

Main Icons:
The drugs 
Table that the drugs are wrapped up on
Train used to transfer him 
Tin foil & Tape 
 Sun glasses to hide his face
Rucksack he caries them in 
His bike to get from A to B 
The police mens uniform

We are setting our film opening at various locations. The first being at Antonio and ales house to give the impression of a crack den. The second being the toilets at school, this will be for the scene where Antonio is stressing out and tries to relax himself. Our finally setting for the film is at chelmsford train station as it is the closest representation we can get to an airport. 

The themes of our film are drugs, forgiveness, crime and justice. The films aim is to give across to young people or anyone that has had or is in a hardship that there is always a way you can turn it around. 

Jonny is the main characters who smuggles the drugs and is imprisoned Jonny represents desperation as this is the only way he can make a living. 
Vinny is the dealer who supplies the drugs to Jonny to smuggle. Vinny represents the hierarchy of the criminal world and that he is untouchable as never gets caught. 

Friday, 4 November 2016

Film Name Research

Film Name Research

We chose the produce a poster in which we asked year 11 students to tally the name they felt would best match our film. This way we gaged what our target audience wanted and also could finally choose our film name...

This is the poster that was produced: